What does Sunday, 12 am, New Years and most importantly tomorrow have in common? They’re the start! You are a great promoter of these events but a lousy showman. “Wait until tomorrow.” “Wait until the 1st.” “Wait until New Years.” You wait, get off to a bad start, which affects the rest of the show, then begin hyping the next event. What is your obsession with the number one? Hmmm? 2 may not be as straight as 1 but that doesn’t mean you should count yourself out if you get off to a bad start. Mr. The Ending Is Everything, hey, the start is important too. It should be planned, also. Let’s put that jive-turkey November in our rearview mirror and concentrate on the reindeer in headlights. Hmmm? You are NOT watching Psych tonight! You are NOT going to sleep at 10; you are going to sleep at 9. You’re waking that butt up at 4 in the morning and not going back to sleep if you randomly wake up earlier. Hmmm? No more of November’s distractions! A new evil rises!

7 thoughts on “”

  1. Lol I like this one. It’s funny how you say the ending is everything, I was just thinking the same thing about my semester in school but I did stay well as always and I usually screw up in the middle and pull it all together in the end. If you start well you save room for minor mishaps in the middle is my philosophy. Keep up the hustle har-old


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